Friday, March 7, 2008


Well, today we were supposed to have our last homestudy visit but it got cancelled. Because of the ice storm a few days ago, her meetings were cancelled and moved to today and it is mandatory for her to be there. We won't be able to get together until the 28th of this month. She is going on vacation next week and then I will be out of town the next so that is as soon as we could pull it together. My poor Ashley has been sick for two days. She is still sleeping and I don't dare to wake her up. I just pray she doesn't get the fever and body aches like I have heard others getting. Please keep her in your prayers. Just a little update from my last post, man was that a really hard day, but I am in a much better place now. Just really at peace knowing that the Lord is in control! I know with all of my heart that I have a little girl somewhere in China waiting for me or will be waiting for me. (she might not be born yet) I have to believe that the Lord knows when it is time to go get her and I just need to keep moving forward. Not sure if any of you have seen Facing the Giants, if you haven't, WATCH IT!!! I just watched again and the part where the gentleman comes to visit him in his office, the one that prays over the school, and he tells him the story about the two men and their fields. I keep asking myself which one have I been and I know that I want to be the one preparing for rain. I realized that I have to keep working towards the goal and prepare for the Lord to open the floodgates! Thank you to those of you that have been praying for me and my family, I am truly grateful!!!!!! And Tonya, thank you for being such an amazing friend that won't let me give up!!! :) And also for asking others you know to pray for our family. To me the greatest kind of friend you could have is a praying one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grace & Peace

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